Virtual World Games

Complex games played out in Virtual Worlds where it’s possible to make money by playing regularly.

Make Money Playing In Virtual Worlds

It may have surprised you to learn that popular console games could be played competitively for money, and there’s another surprise lurking in those online virtual worlds which you may have been building or roaming. Also know as role-playing games or RPG, they make up one of the few ways you can turn seemingly pure entertainment-style gaming into a way to make some extra cash, with many of the virtual world RPG games presenting a way to do just that.

On this page we’ll explore how you can make some extra money online from your virtual world gaming, and list around a dozen of the best RPG games for doing it.

Here’s a video that covers some of the best virtual world games. Some can be played with the chance of making money, others are ‘just’ vehicles for entertainment. Overall it’s a good introduction.

What Exactly Are ‘Virtual World Games’?

Virtual world games are computer-based, online games where multiple players can participate from anywhere in the world. They’re normally played on a remote server, with all players connecting via their PC, laptop, or mobile device browser.

They’re typically classified as massively multiplayer online games (MMOG, MMO or MMOs), and also often known as RPGs or role playing games because the gameplay calls for you to act out a role within each game..

The Wikipedia summary on them is a good one ”an online game which is capable of supporting large numbers of players, typically from hundreds to thousands, simultaneously in the same instance (or world). MMOs usually feature a huge, persistent open world, although some games differ”….

..and they also say ”A virtual world is a computer-simulated environment which may be populated by many users who can create a personal avatar, and simultaneously and independently explore the virtual world, participate in its activities and communicate with others.

So, these games immerse you into a virtual reality world which can depict fantasy, comic book hero, science fiction characters or virtual farming, to name but just some of the themes. There are many different games and themes to suit all types of preferences. Plenty of variety, something to suit everyone, and ways to play some of them that involve you ending up with the chance to make some real money too.

Players on these virtual gaming platforms interact in real time; so you may wander through dark alleyways, concealed corners or strange new towns at the same time other players (some of whom may well be on the other side of the world) are positioned in exactly the same area.

If we take Grand Theft Auto or Second Life as immediate examples – you could be driving down a virtual street and pass a shop or side street where you’ll see another user, possibly doing the same or similar action as to yourself. At the exact same time – they will see YOU only from their point of view. The two gaming participants could well be several thousands of miles away from one another or even on opposite sides of the world.

Communication is possible between players (usually as a text message only, often positioned in a side bar) and deals and trades can be bartered here. It is in this synthetic environment where money can be made. Real money, that is, but often converted from Bitcoins, Western Union payments or via more popular cash payment platforms such as PayPal.

Playing virtual world games is fun and has soared in popularity over the last 5 years or so. And now that there is real money to be made from some of the games online, its popularity is definitely not on the wane.

If you could actually make a living by playing virtual world games, would you give up your 9 to 5 job? Certainly that is possible in the world of Esports, where there is big money floating around for those players who can break into the big time.

The reality with gaming in virtual worlds though is that it is a challenge to make it work in your financial favour and your options for turning the gaming into cold hard cash – although plentiful and varied – can be somewhat limited to mainly smallish sums.

If you’re skillful enough at the games there may be good chances to do well, although other types of real money skill games may be more lucrative. Equally you could consider playing in competitive cash tournaments which also offer some strong money-making possibilities, while some other examples of games that pay real money are also worth considering.

So How Do You Make Money In Virtual World Gaming?

In fact there are two ways to make money in virtual worlds – direct and indirect.

Indirect money does not actually come from the game itself but activities that apply to the game from outside. This could be:

  • Beta-testing
  • Streaming or blogging about the game
  • Making demo videos

Direct income comes straight out of the game itself. It can come from things like cosmetic items which you have acquired to your avatar. Others will look at them and think, “Wow! That is so cool and I am so jealous, I need something similar right away”. This is the point where you get that envious user to cough up some cash to use your ever-strengthening online character. Exchange of virtual goods is actually encouraged by many of the virtual world games you play in.

Real cash can also be made in other ways, and for some examples of those it’s probably best to look at the opportunities on a game by game basis.

Virtual World Real Money Games List

Here we’ll cover the top dozen or so virtual world games which you can play to end up with a real cash balance. They’re a mixture of themes, ranging from online money world gaming through to war and battle.

All are active at time of writing, though there is some evidence from some online lists I’ve found that some sites do appear to shut down. That shouldn’t be the case with those on this list as they’ve all been running for some time and appear to be stable, but you should always double check before playing that there are no problems with the platforms.

This should be fairly easy to confirm and essentially if you can navigate to any specific site and register an account then it should be OK. Just don’t part with any money before carrying out some other checks.

Here’s our list:

  1. Erepublik
  2. Planet Calypso
  3. Golden Battles
  4. My Lands
  5. Dungeons and Treasures
  6. Goal Tycoon
  7. Golden Towns
  8. Market Glory
  9. Entropia Universe
  10. Exodus 3000
  11. Second Life

OK. This is a fairly select list, so let’s take a look at the games one by one…….


eRepublik is a free-to-play online game which is enjoying its ninth and most successful year since launch. It is set within a virtual world known as “The New World” and players become citizens who can directly manage political, economic and social issues within their New World nation.

Commercially very successful, eRepublik has seen several other developers create new game ideas on this very model. Visually, eRepublik is not much of a spectacle. Most of what you do and what you own are written down text style.

You can own land (under the sub-heading “My Land”) and pay for upgrades in a currency of gold. It is also possible to go to war with neighbouring countries and build factories, companies and develop an economic powerhouse – which could go a long way in making you real money.

You must also become a model citizen of your New World country by working hard, fighting well and voting in presidential elections. This virtual world game can be played for free straight off the internet.

Making Cash from eRepublik

The currency eRepublik Gold is fictional. You get gold by reaching certain levels of achievement, or by spending 100 euros of your own money to buy around 300 eRepublik Gold coins.

The cash you can make is from selling eRepublik Gold, once you have achieved a status that builds gold reserves to a point where exchanging for real cash can become profitable. You will have to work hard at it though. Expect to run for presidential elections – often as much as once per month – and go toe-to-toe with real people on the battlefield to gain military dominance (and the potential for more money).

Planet Calypso

It is time to get ready to colonize a new world with Planet Calypso, a multi-player, real-time experience, all of which is played within a stunning 3D environment with superb graphics. Plus, the game has a real money economy. Players can become business professionals, inventors, explorers or within the capacity of a number of entrepreneurial roles.

You may choose to act as a craftsman, tool designer, trader or developer where you could get immersed into a real cash economy. If you wish to join Planet Calypso for free and enjoy gameplay without any commitments, you can. Although you will not make any real money from this, many choose to join just for the truly awesome experience of the 3D graphics and multi-player settings. However, if you can immerse yourself in the readily available video tutorials and join in the virtual fun as a real account holder, you will find the entire experience far more exhilarating.

You will have an avatar, which you should build and grow. You will have to perform paid jobs and collect resources for other colonists. You can top up your Avatar account with real money from your debit or credit card, and easily transfer funds from the Avatar account into your real bank.

Making Cash from Planet Calypso

The reason you’ll enjoy playing Planet Calypso is not because of the hunt down and kill robots, fly cars, drive super-powered vehicles and make an arsenal with as much weaponry as you can muster but you can make cash too.

It is a real cash economy with an account menu that is very user-friendly. The community are friendly too, with many new members finding friends and being offered gifts (that are actually worth real money) during the breaking in period. But to make serious money, there will have to be a lot of invested time and effort.

One needs to know how to properly manipulate your avatar and efficiently control his or her actions. Your financial success depends on it. The currency used on Planet Calypso is the PED – which can transfer into real account into your actual bank account – and there is some PED monetary available within the starter packs of silver and gold status.

The silver starter packs cost $15 and the gold $40. There is a bronze starter pack costing only $5, but this does not hold any PED currency within it.

Golden Battles

Golden Battles is a free-to-play war simulation game where multiple players, from across the world, can turn success on the battlefield into real hard cash. The virtual world of conflict is set in the near future on Earth, and to build up money, you will need to be successful in your war efforts.

The future of mankind is under threat, so “golden” battles need to take place to save humanity from extinction. You can embed different themes and battle theories into the game, so it does not manifest into a simple shoot-me-up gameplay, rather a sophisticated game using elements of the past as well as the present.

It is not all hate and war in Golden Battles, players do contribute to the war effort by taking on job offers and getting paid for the work. Just as in reality, a worker undertakes a task and gets paid by an employer according to how much work or productivity has been completed.

In this strange new virtual world, everyone is either an assistant or a soldier, or both. Soldiers and assistants can be bought and sold by mentors or leaders alike.

Making Cash from Golden Battles

You accumulate “gold”, that is virtual gold, naturally. It can be converted into euros and the value of your pot can easily be shown at the top of the home page after you have logged in. You can place any buying or selling offers on the market to see who will take them on board, or you can accept an existing market deal as you see fit.

Many Golden Battles players will invest real money into the game, which in turn strengthens their hand in battle. Remember, the more exchange gold or gold you have, the greater the value of real currency you have in your pot.

You will need to invest deeply within the market of this game to make any real money. There is food to buy and sell, as well as beverages, clothing, armoury, weaponry, accessories, transport, homes, materials and licenses. All have some value to other citizens, and all you need to do is to place some of these commodities onto the marketplace and see who bites (financially).

To see how much money you have accumulated, you can go to a sub-menu header “Possessions” and look at the gold you have and how much it converts into euros. To see how many euros translates to your country’s currency, simply look at the “Country” sub-menu header.

My Lands

My Lands: Black Gem Hunting is a military strategy game played in real time, over a browser and is enjoyed by multiple players from all over the world. You will play against or cooperate with thousands of other players who are online at any time of the day or night. This military-style battle world involves building economies, as well as fighting in military combats.

There will be a need to develop your city, build homes, offices and corporate buildings, and create factories and start trading and employing. My Lands is a game where a good economy and a strong military presence are key. You will have to make friends and form alliances; but on the flip side, you will have to start wars and become the aggressor – a case of bully, or be bullied.

Players can have the choice of selecting between a mining server and a military one. And with nearly quarter of a million worldwide users, My Lands is a strong MMOG and one of the first games of its type to come out on a standard web browser.

As you develop your own lands and create a kingdom worth respecting, you will need to be careful that other users don’t declare war on you (invariably they might and often will) – so to be in control and get your kingdom battle ready, your armies and military strategies need to be fine tunes, trained and ready to go war when needed.

Black Gems: The Way to Attain Wealth in My Lands

Black Gems is the in-house currency here. It will be locked to your account. If you check the top-right hand corner of the home screen you will see the amount of finance you have within your account.

As you play this virtual world game you will earn Black Gems through gameplay. To get them you’ll need to capture a salt lake (the main depot building is located in the Mines), rob them by attacking monsters situated within the ruins or gain them in an economical way by buying them using gold at an auction in the market place.

Dungeons and Treasures

Those who played gothic board games in the 1980s will no doubt remember Dungeons and Dragons – now the internet has provided us with a game in a similar vein, called Dungeons and Treasures. It is a multi-player, live and adventurous game where participants can win money and gifts galore.

Everything you see in the game is made from scratch, and with so many twists and turns from an online world virtual game, it makes it a real challenge for gamers and puzzle freaks. Among the twists in the game are the healing potions. You see, fighting monsters is something you’ll be doing a great deal of throughout the game. And monster fighting means monster wounds. Time for some healing potions, you might think – but not all of them actually work!

If you don’t heal the wounds, you could end up losing your life. You only get to lose three lives in a 24-hour period, and once you do, you are toast! If you have five (untreated) wounds, you should know that one single punch from a monster will end your life.

The lowest level one will start off as in Dungeons and Treasures is a Knight. The highest level is God. Every month you play will have a theme or storyline. One recent month, the entire world was divided up into four kingdoms – one of which you would have to had belonged to – and these factions would spar against each other to become the ultimate warrior kingdom.

Dungeons and Treasures can be a Cash Cow

The higher the level your character goes, the more wealth you will accumulate. However, you will also be pitted against new and more powerful monsters. You can upgrade your stance by purchasing DT codes. Every DT Code you have will give you four star points. Star points can be used to win more gold. Gold equates to money and at the Knight level you can swap 100,000 gold pieces for $0.29. If you are at a higher level than Knight (the next step up is a Viscount) you can expect better conversion rates.

An example of the superior conversion rates is the Viscount level, where you can expect a 20 per cent increase in your return. So 100,000 pieces of gold should be able to herald you around $0.36. All rankings reset after one month of playing. However, you can upgrade your rankings for cash with an improved gold conversion rate and bonus. Moreover, it is really easy to build profit.

Goal Tycoon

If you love the game of football, you will love Goal Tycoon: the first Football Manager game that pays out real hard cash. It is a strategy game where you can convert virtual currency – gained in this sport-based online world virtual game – into real money. Cash can be converted into the currency of your country.

The game allows you to set the tactics of your team, just like a real football manager has to do. You can adjust line ups where you may wish to play a 4-4-2, 4-3-3 or 3-5-2 formation. You choose. You can even decide whether to play aggressively, hold possession or play defensively (putting 10 men behind the ball or “parking the bus” as they say). You may decide to play the long ball or play short, quick passing and possessive strategies.

The detail in this game is fascinating. Leagues and tables from all countries, across all divisions are there for all to see; player stats would impress even OPTA figures and you can even create your own logo for your team by patterns, colours, symbols and formation.

You can check which fixtures are up and coming and see the latest league tables. Players can even design their own kit by creating a body shape pattern, text colour, shirt colours, sleeve patterns and sleeve colours.

Goal Tycoon even allows you to create an avatar of your footballer’s face and there are extensive training regimes and schedules to get stuck into. Training is vital to your team’s performance. Training can involve heading practice, shooting skills, dribbling movements and passing accuracy. If you don’t train hard enough your team will not develop the skills required to win games and win money.


An entire page is available on Goal Tycoon informing you of your account standings. Here you can discover how much cash you can accrue by winning matches, becoming victorious in the National Cup, Continental Cup, Championship and money earned via affiliations too.

There is a message board where players can swap tips on how to best make money on Goal Tycoon. If another team does not help you out then an administrator (known on this virtual sports game as coordinators) most certainly will.

Investing and withdrawing funds is easy on Goal Tycoon and currencies are displayed in euros, gold and the currency of your home nation. Goal Tycoon is a fun way for sports fans to make cash.

Golden Towns

In gold you can trust. Golden Towns is a virtual online game with hundreds of players online at any one time. There are only 100,000 gold pieces in circulation, all of which are fully backed up by 1000 grams of real gold (24 carat).

Golden Towns seems to be, on the face of it, a little underdeveloped. However, this might work in your favour. Fewer players could open up more treasure and cash for new and existing members. Much of the strategy depends on town construction plans. If you Plan proactively to take the optimum advantage of all areas covered by buildings that are mandatory, it will allow you to upgrade others. So, we would recommend you start by building so-called “influence” buildings together in one space (similar as to where you’d find industrial parks or leisure estates), then surround them by homes and apartment dwellings or other buildings that would need them: but do not build more resource factories.

How to Rake in the Gold at Golden Towns

Earning gold should be your goal. You will not earn much, but the small amounts you do accrue will always be safe. If you want more gold and build up your treasure quickly, then visit the Gold Mine. However, your happiness levels need to be at a minimum 60 per cent before you can plunder from the mine.

You could sell gold on the market and make much more money this way. Moreover, you could buy shares and earn from dividends. This way means you will have to hope that someone else buys lots of shares after you do and they increase in value. Referrals are always a good money-making stream. Any player you manage to refer will earn you 10 per cent of his or her earnings throughout their playing time in Golden Towns.

Golden Towns is always looking for article writers. If you write an article – and it might only take you half an hour – you could earn 0.1 Gold. Buying another player’s shares when they have just reached level five is always a good idea, because they will start off cheap and quickly soar in value. This method is risky but potentially very profitable, if it all goes to plan.

Unlike some other online, multi-player virtual games out there, Golden Towns is one where you cannot suddenly get killed off and die. Play this at your leisure and see a slow trickle of revenue pour in.

Market Glory

If you love the markets and making money, Market Glory might just be the one for you. This virtual world game begins out in a scenario of a world crash in the economy. The world governments are at a loss as to how they should deal with the impact.

All the major banking corporations have crashed. Officials are running around like headless chickens, not knowing what to do or where to turn next. Occupy the Streets, and other shadowy anti-corporate protests are growing and the government buildings and Parliamentary centres have become the focal point for the protesters’ ire.

Television and radio broadcasts are limited or have stopped altogether. Newspapers are under assault from the masses for failing to tell the people the truth. Financial experts had been warning the media and people for the past five years about a looming economic recession and meltdown, but governments and financial institutions simply did not do enough to manage the crisis.

New debt was taken out and no plan to stabilize the economy was implemented. Violence is on the rise, armies are struggling and the people – some of whom have lost entire savings in the space of a day – are furious.

Money to be made in the Madness of a Global Crisis

Market Glory is an online browser game that you do not need to pay into to play. You will not need to add any additional software, rewarded for your daily activity of building companies, buying and selling, getting work done, offering referrals to friends and dabbling in the markets.

It is a simulation game where you can make profit from working, starting wars, building companies and picking up rewards from a business based virtual world game. In the game of Market Glory, you as a global economist expert, must find a way of reversing the chaos that ensues within the world.

You will get to hear about a secret project – with a codename of Market Glory – that might restore order. The project’s aims are to stabilize the economy, develop business and stop the chaos that has engulfed the planet.

The vicious cycle of debt will be stopped and there will be no more borrowing of funds between countries. You can get more involved in the game by selling and buying shares, and this is also a good way of making more money very quickly.

Entropia Universe

Entropia Universe is a science fiction-based multi-player game where contestants play within a fun-filled, adventurous virtual collection of worlds that would not look out of place in a Star Trek or Star Wars series.

You will be bewitched by worlds such as Rock Tropia, Arcadia, Cyrene, Toulan, Calypso and Next Island. You can virtually visit them by means of helicopter, boat, hover board or even a small spacecraft.

There is a real cash economy here and the currency is known as PEDs (Project Entropia Dollars).  There are endless amounts of business opportunities and millions of dollars of real money swap hands every year. You can sell one-to-one, within the market place or directly from your very own shop.

All the worlds within the Entropia Universe are full of items that can make you cash. That is real hard cash in American dollars.

What Should I Do To Make Money Online at Entropia Universe?

There is no doubt that Entropia Universe is a cash cow that loves to keep on giving, but you will have to work hard at a lot of things to start generating revenue. You can acquire land and receive tax for these plots, become a specialist in some trade or even just start selling your artwork.

There are players on Entropia Universe who have become electronic engineers, hair stylists, plastic surgeons and doctors. Others act like wandering real estate agents, searching for those wealthy clients who will buy up the land you have to offer.

There are no real rules on how you play the game and there are so many skills you can get involved in to develop your avatar. Entropia Universe even appears in the Guinness Book of World Records: it continues to break its own records of selling virtual items for a price never seen before in any world, multi-player, online virtual fun game.

Back in 2010, one player bagged himself a whopping profit in a virtual real estate deal. At the time the game was known as Project Entropia. The player – Jon Jacobs – had paid $100,000 for a virtual asteroid back in 2005. While sitting on that investment, he used the game to generate an income of around $10k per month from banking activity and also opened a nightclub on his expensive asteroid and earned up to $20,000 per month from activities around that.

By 2007 it was estimated that the combined virtual real estate owned was worth around $2.5 million. Jacobs reportedly sold the asteroid for over $600,000.

If you’re interested in trying to replicate that achievement, you’ll need to buy into the game and then sell and create property and services using the PEDs – which can in turn be transferred into real US dollars. The game’s very own currency is pegged to the US dollar and its exchange rate is clearly marked at the top of each home page.

Take Note Of Rocktropia

ROCKtropia is a hybrid of an MMORPG based on Entropia Universe and a ‘real’ Virtual Reality World. Here you can get involved with a global gaming community that’s going to interact in virtual reality, as opposed to the 2-dimensional games you’ll play currently.

Exodus 3000

In the massive, multi-player, online virtual arena of Exodus 3000 you can attack, defend, find friends to form alliances and earn real money, as well as winning prizes. The fun is had by exploring Martian surfaces, building alliances with other armies and entities and destroying your enemies. The better at this game you get, the more cash you can expect to accrue.

Exodus 3000 does not require players to install any extra or peripheral software beyond the web browser most of us already have. Simply register on the home page and off you go. The currency of the game is the Mars Dollar, and monies can be earned by searching through ruins (looking for lost valuables), mining inside volcanoes (some of which are still active) and going on the offensive and attacking other players.

It is a role-play game that has similarities to classics like Dungeons and Dragons, albeit with a less Gothic theme. Mars Dollars can be used to purchase fun prizes, upgrades and ultimately can be converted easily into real hard cash.

Even if you are not a gamer, there are hundreds of friendly people within the chat rooms and on the forums; and they might even try to sign you up as a referral. But if they do, be prepared to receive plenty of help and assistance, as a referral pays up according to the success of the referee.

The game is set in the 30th century A.D. and our Planet Earth has long since been destroyed. Human survivors now live on Mars where each inhabitant has one small homestead but it able to prospect for more.

How Can I Get Cash from Exodus 3000?

You will need to gain an amount of Mars Dollars before you can cash out. This figure is pre-determined by the developers. But be warned that cashing out does reset many of your facets back to where they once were, so you may wish to accumulate a high amount of Mars Dollars before trading in for real money.

What Can I Do To Grow and Develop in Exodus 3000 to Become a Cash-Making Machine?

Try upgrading your gaming stats: stuff like weaponry, defence, intelligence, cargo loading capacities, radar and storage space all count towards having an avatar with strong skills and high earnings. You could also go on a number of missions, which if successful, can earn Mars Dollars for you.

Second Life

Perhaps among the most well-known virtual world games played by a massively multitude of players, Second Life is a fantasy world where you can submerge out of your existing world and live within a virtual realm, and one perhaps where you can have more control.

In 2013, there were said to be more than one million regular second lifers. Its developers will often state that Second Life is a creation, rather than a game per se. There is no real reason (or profit) in actually going into conflict, as many other MMOS games promote, nor are there any set objectives that need to be met, in order to exist within this alternate lifestyle.

The virtual world here is known amongst its users as “The Grid”. It does have its own virtual currency – known as the Linden Dollar. You can increase your wealth and exchange Linden dollars for real money. Citizens need to be at least 16 years old to register and play. There are some secondary school group that have classes in Second Life, but exist only as a sponsored institution within that school or academy. Usually these groups are aged 13 to 16.

There is a Thriving Economy within Second Life

The economy and currency are both internally structured, so you can use the Linden Dollar to buy, hire, sell, rent or trade commodities like land, cattle, property or goods. There are more than 1.3 million trades every single day and you can create virtual goods, which can later be sold for Linden Dollars within the virtual world creation, and later exchanged for real US dollars.

How to Earn Extra Cash in Second Life

In a similar way to real life, earning money in your virtual life in down to the individual. What might work for you may not be the result that works for another – and vice-versa. Exchanging money for real dollars is one way of gaining cash without actually doing any work. This works by waiting for the exchange rate to improve from the one where you actually purchased your Linden dollars.

You should also invest in virtual goods to make money too. You can invest in buildings, vehicles, and works of art, smartphones, jewelry, clothing and even hairstyles – all of which can make you money when you resell at a later date.

There are a number of services where you can provide work for cash too. Offering bed and breakfast, camping, business skills, entertainment, tourism, data entry and office services. All of these will make you richer in Linden dollars, which can later be exchanged for real hard cash.

One perfect illustration of how all this can work to deliver hard cash to your gaming account can be seen in the tale of Ailin Graef.

Ailin paid just under $10 in 2004 to register an account, and started out making money as an in-game entertainer followed by forming her own virtual fashion accessories business.

When the profits from this started to build, she moved to buying up and selling real estate – an activity which was so successful it ultimately made around $250,000 in 2005. By 2007, and with a real office in China added to her business portfolio, Ailin’s virtual holdings were reportedly worth a cool $1 million.  

The business is still running today.

This all adds to the reasons why Second Life is probably the best known of all virtual world games where you can make real money.


Some of the advantages you might get from playing virtual world games include the entertainment value, the potential for learning and development, the chance to sample new experiences, and the social aspect.

From a winning money perspective – although rewards can be on the small side – it’s a way to make some cash for what you’re already doing anyway. If you’re looking for ways to make money playing games from scratch you’re probably better off looking elsewhere, but if you’re already a VW fan then why not take the extra cash that can come with it?

The other main benefit is that it either costs nothing to play, or you’re risk of losing/spending cash can be limited.


The main negative is the potential value of rewards. You’re going to need to be playing a long time – or be very, very highly skilled – to make significant money. As we just noted though, most players are already fans or are looking to play for the experience rather than profit. That profit can be seen as incidental, with some prospects of working it upwards into a useful sum.

The other negative to be aware of is in possible addiction.

Addiction can take many forms, including getting addicted to gaming. This can result in losing time, focusing on one thing to the exclusion of other important aspects of life, and neglecting family and other social interactions. In the case of virtual world gaming, at least this won’t include the likelihood of losing large sums of money (although you still need to be cautious with this especially in those games requiring purchase of items for real money).

There are a few words on the other physiological drawbacks of extended periods of video gaming here.


You’ll find info most of the options for playing for cash listed above, but it’s worth having access to as much info as possible. Here’s some other stuff gleaned from other online resource that will help:


Always the best place to start a video search, the Youtube collection on real money virtual world gaming is a useful one.


It’s hard to beat some of the up to date info you can get from the popular social networks. Twitter is going to be top of your list. 

Info Websites

You won’t find too many informational type sites like RealMoney. Games with deeper coverage than you’ll find here, so the next best way to get more info is to go straight to the virtual world games websites themselves.


You’ll find some of the games covered on this page as the subject of threads on various multiplayer game forums. The forum at Neogaf is as good as any as a starter.


While not having quite the allure of cash skill games, virtual world games do deserve a part in any list of ways to make money from gaming. They’re not exactly simple to play (if you want to play them well), and will test your strategic responses and general intelligence levels. You’ll most likely need to spend significant time in the gaming environments to be able to make some worthwhile cash, but if the entertainment value is what you’re really looking for, then winning money while playing can be an incidental bonus.

All that said, it is possible (as with all types of real money games) to make some bigger sums, although this is most likely to be seen in some form of trading activity.

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