Home 9 Customer Service

RealMoney.Games Customer Service


RealMoney.games provides information multiple forms of real money gaming and gambling. This information is free, you don’t have to pay anything to use this website.

So the information you’re getting on these pages is provided as a service from us to you, who we see as Customers. Like any business we’re keen to ensure that you as a Customer get the best experience we can give.

Clearly, since there are no charges to use this information, the usual elements of Customer Service around refunds and disputes over payments don’t apply. We’d have nothing financially related between us to discuss.

If you’ve entered into any financially based agreement with an operator that’s listed on our pages, then discussions of that type should take place between you and those operators’ Customer Service teams. We only provide information which you are free to use or ignore at your own free will, so we can’t be held responsible for any issues between you (as a user) and them (as a supplier of a service). Similarly we can’t be held responsible for any financial losses you may incur, and/or any other negative impacts you may experience.

However, from a Customer Service perspective we will endeavor to:

1. Provide and maintain information which we firmly believe to be correct, though note that we can’t guarantee this and you should always carry out your own checks to confirm the validity of any information you’ve received.

2. Provide support to you in the form of information and views if you should ask for it, or have acquired it on the pages of this website.

3. Listen to any complaints you do have, rectify them if within our direct control, and assist/advise you on potential ways to rectify if within our knowledge and power to do so.

No third parties are involved with service support of any visitors to realmoney.games. If you do need any assistance from us you can reach us at service@realmoney.games or visit our contact page for other contact methods.


Click here for more info about RealMoney.games as an organization.

Regards Steve on behalf of the RealMoney.games Customer Service team.


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